Abhivyakti Media for Development is a Nashik base organisation(NGO). We at Abhivyakti have been creating and using various media forms to stimulate community dialogue and action. We believe media is an effective tool for generating social change. We have partnered with many local community organizations and together devised communication strategies. These ranged from producing media, hosting discussions on a variety of topic, and facilitating many workshops on media and communications. All of this was intended to strengthen the communication skills and knowledge of grassroots functionaries and organisations.
All of these aspects are part of our publications, which are liked by many of our readers. If you are interested to know more and would like some of our publications, do inform us and we will be glad to send it to you. We have included the list of our publications for your reference. If you want any of these books please contact Us.
Here is the list of our publications and the price is also mentioned – AMD Publication.pdf