Past Projects


Conscious Parenting

We had initiated a Nashik-based parents forum that worked intensely in the years 1991 to 1997. The major activities done by this forum were ‘Khel Ghar’ – a recreational space for children along with a newsletter named ‘Amhi Palak’ (We Parents). Currently, the forum of ‘Sujan Palak’ or conscious parents continues on a smaller level with a focus on dialogue and exchange.


Madhyam Jagar

We conducted a media education and awareness programme with 20 schools of Nashik during the years 1994 to 2007. Our target groups included teachers, students, parents and community workers. Along with periodic sessions on critical media viewing, we also hosted ‘Madhyam Jatras’ or media fairs as well as a Children’s Film Park.


Aagaz Academy

Abhivyakti was a partner of Aagaz Academy during the years 2005 to 2008. We worked with selective ‘Elected Women Representatives’ (EWRs) from Gram Panchayats in North Maharashtra and trained them to become more effective leaders of their villages. More than 100 EWRs have been trained in this Academy.


Abhivyakti Anubhav Shiksha

We started the work of Anubhav Shiksha from 1997 which focussed on engaging the youth of North Maharashtra to come together in a learning space. Our activities include publishing a monthly newsletter called ‘Maitree’ and a ‘Media Animators’ course on development communication.


Madhyam Panchayats in Maharashtra

We have worked with media activists from Maharashtra since 2005. Currently, a loose network of 200 grassroots media activists exists in Maharashtra. They bring out a newsletter called ‘Hunkar’.


Meljol Project information

Aflatoun and Aflateen – Social and Financial Education Program in 100 ZP & NMC schools, in 2016-2017.

We were able to reach nearly 15000 school children. Our sessions were on child rights and responsibilities, self-awareness, financial savings and inculcating the habit of Savings. Our team visited schools every day to facilitate sessions with the students and also conducted Teachers training.

MelJol Report


Project on sexuality education

Project on sexuality education